- 1 -
1. ...and the Devil Cried (Demo 1989)
2. Successor (Demo 1989)
3. Halo of Thorns (Demo 1989)
4. I of the Storm (Demo 1989)
5. To Chase the Stars (Aslan Demo 1987)
6. No Glory (Aslan Demo 1987)
7. Spiral Tower (Aslan Demo 1987)
8. The Fry Tape (Aslan Demo 1987)
- 2 -
1. Burn the Night (Rehearsal 1988)
2. I of the Storm (Rehearsal 1988)
3. Halo of Thorns (Rehearsal 1988)
4. Another Prophet Song (Rehearsal 1988)
5. Successor (Rehearsal 1988)
6. The Keeper (Rehearsal 1988)
7. Hanging On a String (Rehearsal 1988)
8. Back Again (Rehearsal 1988)
9. I Remember (Rehearsal 1988)
180 gramman audiofiilinen vinyyli 2 LP
Vinyylin väri: Musta
Kansi: Avattava
Julkaisuvuosi: 2024
Levy-yhtiö: Insideoutmusic