- 1 -
1. Atheists & Believers
2. One Day
3. Knucklehed
4. Envy the Dead
5. Sonic Boom
6. Old Men
7. The House Where Love Once Lived
- 2 -
1. Iridium Heart
2. Twisted World Goddless Universe
3. I Think of You
- 3 -
1. Atheists & Believers
2. One Day
3. Knucklehed
4. Envy the Dead
5. Sonic Boom
6. Old Men
7. The House Where Love Once Lived
8. Iridium Heart
9. Twisted World Goddless Universe
10. I Think of You
180 gramman audiofiilinen vinyyli, 2 LP + CD
Vinyylin väri: Musta
Kansi: Avattava
Julkaisuvuosi: 2019
Levy-yhtiö: Inside Out